Have Additional Photos of Melody's Visit?

If you have additional photos from Melody's visit with you, please use the following format to email them to us.
   1. To: melodyphotoblog@gmail.com
   2. Subject Line: Write the title of the photo followed by the words "submitted by" and your name

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   3. Body of email: Write a brief description of what is happening in the photo, or how you felt

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March 9, 2014

Learning German (submitted by Maria)

When she visited my house over the weekend, she did a variety of activities since we had a lot going on! I first made her a mini room (picture below) and showed her around the house. She made lots of new friends (including my cat Zguf!) and I also taught her a little German. I had also fed her soft foods, such as yoghurt, soft vegetables, rice, and so on. As a last treat, we visited Caroline and stayed there overnight. We then took a sneak peek at the Fasnacht parade! One of the most challenging parts of having Melody over, was that everyone thought that I was crazy because I was talking to a piece of paper. This is hard to ignore most of the time because you feel stupid that you are talking to paper. Another challenging part was that I was so used to having answers to my questions or conversations, so that was a little annoying. This actually made me feel like I can tell Melody about anything and she will understand. Taking her to different locations was another challenge. Like the stables, the apartment my family lives in has a lot of stairs. To make matters worse, we are at the top floor! I think Melody has enjoyed her stay here, because she had diverse experiences from all of us! Melody felt like one of those friends you have been with since kindergarten! I have realized really how it feels to be misjudged, and how much work it also is to take care of someone with any disability. (Melody#024B0114)

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