If you have additional photos from Melody's visit with you, please use the following format to email them to us. PLEASE ONLY EMAIL ONE PHOTO AT A TIME! 1. To: melodyphotoblog@gmail.com
2. Subject Line: Write the title of the photo followed by the words "submitted by" and your name in parenthesis in the subject line like this: Title of Photo (submitted by ____________)
3. Body of email: Write a brief description of what is happening in the photo, or how you felt about Melody's visit with you. This will appear as the blog post next to your photo. Please, only use single spaces (DO NOT DOUBLE SPACE) and do not sign the email, or it will not display correctly. At the end of your description, please include your unique Melody ID# in parenthesis like this: (Melody #001A1113)
4. Attachment: DON'T FORGET TO UPLOAD YOUR PHOTO AS AN ATTACHMENT! Do NOT put the photo in the body of the email. If the photo is not an attachment, the blog post will not be created. That's it! It may take up to an hour for your post to show up, so please be patient. You may submit more than one photo, but EACH PHOTO WILL NEED TO BE EMAILED SEPARATELY. Thank you!
February 25, 2014
Teaching Melody to Use Twitter (submitted by Renaissance College Hong Kong)
Dear Class , I think it is cool that you get to bring iPad's to school we tried to ask the principal but he as not told us and when we seen that you guys had iPad's we were mad at him and Ms.Hampson said she will ask him a week later she still has not ask him. ~Zion
Dear Class ,
ReplyDeleteI think it is cool that you get to bring iPad's to school we tried to ask the principal but he as not told us and when we seen that you guys had iPad's we were mad at him and Ms.Hampson said she will ask him a week later she still has not ask him.